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Michael Mendenhall
Adjunt Faculty

My educational credentials began with the completion of a B.A. in Journalism and English and a minor in History from Loma Linda University in Riverside, California. In 1997, I completed a Masters of Science degree in Management at Indiana Wesleyan University. I also completed a Master of Arts degree in English at Ball State University in 2020.

I began facilitating in 1999 and have taught on-site and online extensively in our associate degree programs. The courses have focussed primarily on English composition, research writing, American literature, and student orientation.

My current role at Indiana Wesleyan University is Adjunct Faculty in the College of Adult and Professional Studies.

God has been gracious and merciful in countless ways for which I am grateful.

My sweetheart for life, Andrea, has sojourned with me for more than 39 years of marriage. Our union has produced three wonderful blessings - Sarah, Hannah, and Andrew. In addition to our children, we experience additional blessings through their respective spouses and seven grands, ages newborn-8: Ruby, Lani, Opal, Anson, Coral, Archer, and Amelia.

Teaching is a dream come true, which allows God to develop a talent that honors Him. While my heartfelt passion is to be Opa to my grands, my hobbies include reading history and biographies, listening to a wide variety of music, walking/biking/hiking/swimming with my wife, and writing inspirational stories.

I asked Jesus into my heart at the age of fourteen, while listening to a youth pastor at summer camp. He presented Jesus Christ in a way that was personal and real. Over the years, God has buffed many rough edges from my flesh to better reveal my spiritual character.

In 1993, I attended the first national Promise Keepers Men's Conference in Boulder, Colorado. That experience, along with other PK conferences that followed, challenged me to a greater degree of brokenness in trusting Jesus Christ with every area of my life.

My wife has been the greatest human influence in my spiritual walk. She challenges, questions, and rebukes, but always loves me to be the man God wants me to be.

I can be contacted at or 317-374-8886.