Academic Credentials:
- Exec. Cert., Strategic Leadership (Liberty University, 2022)
- Ed.S., Education Leadership (Liberty University, 2015)
- M.A., Human Services: Marriage & Family (Liberty University, 2013)
- M.Min., Pastoral Ministry (Temple Baptist Seminary, 2009)
- M.S.Ed., Counseling Studies (Harding University, 1998)
- B.A., Bible and Religion (Harding University, 1996)
Professional Certifications:
Board Certified Christian Counselor (AACC, 2011 - Current)
Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (AACC, 2011 - Current)
Ecclesiastical Endorsement, Military Chaplaincy (WCICC, 2007 - Current)
Certified Family Life Educator (NCFR, 2001 - Current)
Published Articles and Professional Presentations:
Saunders, J. (2020). "Team-building: Managing workplace conflict." Presented at Military & Family Readiness Operations Professional Development Workshop, Tennessee Army National Guard, Smyrna, TN.
Saunders, J. & Bauer, M. (2017). "Understanding the impact of suicide in the National Guard." Presented at Bi-Annual Spring Symposium, Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network, Nashville, TN.
Saunders, J. (2015). Cognitive-Existential Family Therapy: A proposed theoretical integration model for pastoral counselors. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 69(1), 34-39.
Saunders, J. (2013). "The ethics of self-care for Family Assistance Specialists." Presented at Family Programs Professional Development Workshop, Tennessee Army National Guard, Gatlinburg, TN.
Saunders, J. (2012). "Post-traumatic growth: Thriving through adversity." Presented during FY13 Annual Training, Tennessee Army National Guard, Camp Shelby, MS.
Saunders, J. (2005). Family life education and family mediation: A winning combination. Network: The Newsletter for Certified Family Life Educators, 17(3), 4 & 8.
IWU Course Approvals:
Human Services
HMSR220 Interview Skills in Human Services*
HMSR340 Advocacy in Human Services*
HMSR350 Systems of Social Change
HMSR420 Program Planning and Evaluation in Human Services
HMSR430 Administration in Human Services
HMSR490 Capstone in Human Services*
Addictions Counseling
ADC202 Principles of Addictions Counseling*
ADC310 Addictions Counseling Skills*
ADC320 Theory and Practice of Group Counseling*
ADC330 Counseling Addicted/Dysfunctional Family Systems
ADC461 Addictions Counseling Practicum I
ADC462 Addictions Counseling Practicum II
ADC463 Addictions Counseling Practicum III
ADC464 Addictions Counseling Practicum IV
ADC471 Addictions Counseling Practicum I
ADC472 Addictions Counseling Practicum II
ADC473 Addictions Counseling Practicum III
ADC474 Addictions Counseling Practicum IV
PSY150 General Psychology*
PSY155 Personal Adjustment*
PSY345 Relationship Development I
PSY357 Research Methods/Applied Psych
PSY360 Social Psychology
PSY366 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior
PSY370 Theories of Personality
PSY420 Relationship Development II
PSY440 Psychology and Spiritual Formation*
PSY491 Capstone in Psychology and Human Relations*
PSY520 Lifespan Development
PSY525 Theories of Personality Development
PSY530 History and Systems of Psychology
PSY535 Research Methods in Psychology
SOC150 Introduction to Sociology*
SOC152 Social Problems*
SOC 200 Marriage and Family*
SOC210 Intergroup Relations*
* Primary Courses